The Rosary of Our Lady’s Tears

Our Lady of Tears

Next to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus there is nothing more touching and effective than the tears of our heavenly Mother! How many tears she shed on the Way of the Cross and when she stood beneath the Cross! She shed bitter tears in reparation for the many insults her Divine Son then and which He would receive in the future. She wept bitter tears for the many souls who would not submit to the Commandments of God, and so would be lost forever.
In recent centuries, too, she wept tears of sorrow: The account of the apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette on September 19, 1846, is very moving as is also the account of Mary’s tears at Syracuse.
There the image of Our Lady wept again and again from a simple terra cotta plaque in the house of a poor worker, from August 29 to September 2, 1953. After a thorough investigation the bishops of Sicily, Italy, confirmed this miracle of tears. Hundreds of thousands came to see it, and Pope Pius XII exclaimed on the radio, “O the tears of Mary!”

This rosary or chaplet was revealed in 1929 and 1930, by Our Lord and His most holy Mother to Sister Amalia in Campina, Brazil, and was confirmed as supernatural by Bishop Campos Baretto.
Our Lords words to Sister Amalia on November 8, 1929 were:

“My daughter, whatever I am asked through the tears of My Mother, I shall give lovingly.”

On March 8, 1930 the most Pure Mother stated:

“Through this rosary the devil will be subdued and the power of Hell will be destroyed. Prepare yourself for this great combat.”

Today the devil has much power because we have forgotten sin and no longer believe that Satan exists.




Crucified Jesus! We fall at Your feet and offer You the tears of her who with deep compassionate love accompanied You on Your sorrowful Way of the Cross. Grant, O Good Master, that we take to heart the lessons which the tears of Your most holy Mother teach us, so that we may fulfill Your holy will on earth, that we may be worthy to praise and exalt You in Heaven for all eternity.


V. O Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth
R. And loves You most ardently in Heaven.


V. O Jesus, hear our prayers
R. For the sake of Your most holy Mother’s tears.

At the end repeat three times on the small beads the invocations that replace the Our Father.

Conclude with this prayer:

O Mary, Mother of love, sorrow and mercy, we beg you to unite your prayers with ours so that Jesus, your Divine Son, to Whom we turn may hear our petitions in the name of your maternal tears and may give us in addition to the favors we ask, the crown of everlasting life. Amen.

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10 Responses to The Rosary of Our Lady’s Tears

  1. Carol Hock says:

    This website is a wonderful source of inspiration.

  2. Moira Macdonald says:

    Regarding the original 7 sets of seven beads of this chaplet = 49 beads to say, plus 6 intro. beads before the said sets, recalling in a particular way, the seven Sorrows of Our Lady and the Tears she shed. Our Lady, very specifically, illustrated to Sr. Amalia of the Scourged Saviour, in 1930, the Rosary she was to promote, with an emphasis that only this white-beaded Rosary (Chaplet) was to be used, while praying with this intention. [To suggest an ‘ordinary ‘ rosary be used as an alternative with 2 decades added = 70 beads: is wrong. Why introduce this Rosary of O.L. Tears when the original rosary recalls to mind her sorrows also. This would have been in the original instruction. ]
    Also ,there is an integral, inscribed, double-sided oval medal, [available in several languages, including English] at the beginning – instead of the Crucifix, together with 4 small beads along the chain (1 spare – as in it exists, but no prayer has been assigned to it in the leafleted instruction.) following on from the aforesaid medal as illustrated within the picture of O.L. offering the rosary to her children – you and me. Therefore, the ordinary Rosary is not an appropriate substitute or as a ‘make do’ version requested, by Our Lady, no less.
    I tried that until I was able to acquire the white ‘pearl’ rosary as described, from the Pauline Sisters. I feel that the Ad at the back of the leaflet shows a hand intentionally covering the spare bead. This is also wrong as O.L. isn’t concealing it in the picture.
    It’s so easy to recite because the correct number of beads and sets are within one’s grasp. No further calculation is required.
    By the way, I’ve only found your website tonight and because I’m trying to ‘fill in the blanks’ with regard to the ‘spare’ bead and requiring the translation of the prayers on each side of the medal (from Spanish, I think) I opted for here to provide same. Are you able to enlighten me, please? I’m assuming, of course, that any one you may have is in English to begin with. With thanks in anticipation. Best wishes, MM.

    • Geoff Heggadon says:

      Thank you for this information Moira, very informative. This was not an article I have written but a devotion I shared so can’t remember the original source. I have bought a set of the white beads with medal as you have suggested. God bless Geoff

  3. Rachel Krowe says:

    Thank you for posting this guidance. This is new to me. I’m taking necessary steps towards holiness. I desire to serve in the kingdom of God Almighty.

  4. Brother George says:

    I live in louisiana….Where can I order 50 medals of : Our lady of tears at in the united states ?____

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