THE LORD’S PRAYER — For the Souls of the Dead
When once Blessed Mechtylde offered her Holy Communion for the souls of those who have died, Jesus appeared to her and said. “Say just one ‘Our Father’ for them. “She understood that this prayer has to he said in the following way. Having prayed in the manner instructed by Christ Our Lord, she saw innumerable souls entering Heaven. (Bk5 Chapter 21)
Our Father Who art in heaven:
We ask you to forgive the souls remaining in purgatory, for not loving You, for not giving You the praise You deserve, their most loving Father, who chose them as beloved children, out of particular grace and mercy. Indeed, they dismissed You from their hearts, where You chose to make Your home – and always longed to abide. We now offer to You in reparation on their behalf, the love and praise Your beloved Son offered to You on this earth. We offer these with His perfect atonement through which You forgave all their sins. Amen.
Hallowed be Thy Name:
We ask you to forgive the souls of those who died for not praising Your most Holy Name, for not using Your Name with sufficient piety during their lives, for so often taking Your Name in vain—and throughout their lives becoming unworthy of being called Christians. Therefore in reparation of their great sins, we offer You the perfect Holiness of Your Beloved Son, who praised Your Holy Name and made it known in His teachings and in all His Holy deeds on earth. Amen.
Thy Kingdom Come:
We ask You, Gracious Father, to forgive the souls of those who have died, who never longed for You nor attempted even to strive for Your Kingdom – where there is constant everlasting peace and where joy and glory ever reign. In reparation for their indifference in accomplishing any good deeds during their lives, we offer You the Holy desires of Your Most Holy Son, through which He longed for us all to partake in His Kingdom. Amen.
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven:
We ask you, Dearest Father, to forgive the souls of those who have died especially souls of religious orders who made their will into Yours – and who did not always love Thy Will, but often lived according to their own will – and opposed Your Will. In reparation of their disobedience, we offer You the union of the Sacred Heart with Your Will, His obedience to You, in which He remained unto His death on the cross.
Give us the day our daily bread:
We ask You, Gracious Father, to forgive the souls of the dead, for not receiving the Blessed Sacrament with sufficient longing and piety, without love so often, and considerable numbers of them – unworthily, infrequently or even not at all. For these sins of theirs, in reparation, we offer You the unfathomable holiness, ardent love and longing with which Your Son gave us all the precious gift of His Body and Blood. Amen.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us:
We ask You, most Merciful Father, to forgive the souls who have died, all the mortal sins they committed in their lives and particularly to forgive all the people who offended them. Please forgive them for not loving their enemies. For all these sins, we offer to You in reparation the sweetest prayer of Jesus on the cross – when He prayed to You for His enemies. Amen.
And lead us not into temptation:
We ask You, Kindest Father, to forgive the souls of the dead, for not resisting anger and lust, that so often they obeyed the whispers of Satan and their own flesh thereby with such numerous sins disfiguring their souls. In reparation we offer You the Glorious Victory of Your Son – over the world and the Devil. We offer also the whole of His most holy life with all His works, labours, passion and death. Amen.
But deliver us from evil:
And all the souls remaining in purgatory – save them all from all evil and from all punishment. We ask this through the merits of Your Beloved Son. Lead us to Your Kingdom of Glory, the Glory which You, Yourself, are, Amen
There is something rather compelling and attractive about these prayers. Shall I start praying them I wonder?
I began to pray this prayer about a year ago and I have found it to be very powerful and moving, I get a great sense of peace when praying it. God bless Geoff
I loved this page!
Thank you Sue. Keep up those prayers for the Holy Souls. God bless Geoff
“If you just receive Jesus into your life, accepting Him only as your personal Lord and Savior, and repent of your sins, then you have an absolute guarantee that you will enter into heaven.” What you are forgetting Glen, is that after repenting some people fall again… and again! Some never perfect themselves – even with the aid of God’s grace. For these souls there is one final gift of God’s mercy – Purgatory! Here they can make make reparation and be perfected before they enter Heaven.
Thank you Schin, a nice piece. God bless
I’m sorry but your ideas are wrong. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink Hid blood, you have NO LIFE in you…” (John 6:53) If the Eucharist was just a symbol then it would not have power, but Jesus clearly states that we have eternal life by eating this bread and that if we do not eat it, we have “NO LIFE IN YOU!” St Paul tells us, “whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord…” (1 Corinthians 11:27) No mention of symbols in the here or anywhere in the Bible. I suggest you read the teachings of the Early Church Fathers on the Eucharist found on this site, they were the early followers of the Apostles and they knew the Eucharist was truly the Body and Blood of Jesus. God bless
A great piece. To further enhance my blief in God am glad I found this site.may God grant me his mercy Amen.
Thanks Braimoh, glad you like the site. God be with you in your journey. Geoff
Now, Apostle Paul goes on to introduce this astonishing power of the cross, Verse 18:
For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written,
“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
and the cleverness of the clever I will thwart.” (1 Corinthians 1:18-19 RSV)
The cross is significant in Christianity because it exposes the fundamental conflict of life. That is what these verses declare to us. The cross gets down below all our surface attempts at compromise and cuts down to the basic difference behind all human disagreement. Once you confront the cross and its meaning, you find yourself unable to escape that final, basic judgment of life as to whether you are committed to error or committed to truth. Now, we must understand very clearly, before we go on, what Paul means by “the word of the cross.”
First of all, it means the basic announcement of the crucifixion of Jesus. The cross is a fact of history. Any of you who have been involved in some of the modern cults or the psychological groupies forming today that emphasize meditation, of transactional analysis or something of this sort, know that what you are introduced to in these groups is, basically, philosophy, and various ideas that men have about human behavior and how to control it. And there are conflicting philosophies in this area today. You have a whole spectrum of religious groups based upon various philosophical concepts. But when you come to Christianity you do not start with philosophy, you start with facts, inescapable facts of history that cannot be thrown out or avoided. One of them is the incarnation of Jesus, the fact that he was born as a man and came among us, yet under strange and marvelous circumstances. Another of the great facts of our faith is the crucifixion. Jesus died. He was nailed to a tree. It was done at a certain point of time in history and cannot be evaded. This is part of the word of the cross, part of the gospel that we declare to men everywhere that something very strange happened to Jesus of Nazareth. He died a strange death. He did not deserve it, but by the judgment of the Romans and Jews alike he was put to death for a crime that he did not commit.
Jesus has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins. This is because he is the Creator of life (see: John 14:6). He who is life can surely restore life. Whoever believes in Christ has a spiritual life that death cannot conquer or diminish in any way. When we realize his power and how wonderful his offer to us really is, how can we not commit our lives to him? To those of us who believe, what wonderful assurance and certainty we have, Jesus says: “I will live again, and you will, too” (John 14:19) So when you die you do not experience a second death (Hell), but have eternal life in heaven with Jesus, just by believing in Jesus, acknowledging that he is God in human flesh, ask and receive him
to enter into your life and to forgive you of all your sins.