My heart once felt so empty,
For it knew so little love.
It survived on human affection,
Until the visitor from above.
One day the Lord came to me.
And entered into my heart.
He found it so un-welcoming,
I thought He would depart.
He rested there in silence,
And formed a sacred space.
He told me that He loved me,
And filled me with His grace.
I told Him that my love was cold,
He told me that He knew.
He opened to me His Sacred Heart,
Then suddenly my love grew.
My heart began to glow,
As His love I chose to receive.
He helped me to find faith,
He helped me to believe.
Suddenly my heart was on fire,
And burning just like His.
My sacred space was aglow,
Our love was perfect bliss.
No day was ever dark again,
Though rain would often fall.
No storm could ever take my peace,
When on Jesus I would call.
I heard the beauty of His word,
And the wisdom of His teaching.
I found the joy of goodness,
And the love that I’d been seeking