Kept secret by the Vatican during his lifetime to avoid sensationalism, there are a number of documented miracles which took place when people were prayed for by Pope John Paul II. Among the many miracles is that of an American Jew dying of a brain tumour, who having asked for a Papal audience received Holy Communion from John Paul II (It was not known at the time that he was a Jew). After receiving Communion he was miraculously healed and within hours all symptoms of the tumour were gone. Another healing involved Cardinal Marchisano who after receiving a throat operation, because of an error by the surgeon, suffered paralysis of his right vocal cord obliging him to speak almost imperceptibly. Pope John Paul visited him and prayed with him putting his hand on the affected area. The Pope told him, “Don’t be afraid, you’ll see, you’ll see, the Lord will give you back your voice, I will pray for you.” Soon after he was cured. Amongst the many other claimed healing’s is that of a Mexican boy who was healed of Leukaemia while attending Mass being celebrated by the Pope. There is now a thick dossier of claims of healing’s from all over the world.
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I love John Paul II very much. He was the light and star of the Church.
Thanks Andrew, me too. He was Pope when I converted to Catholicism and I think so much of him. God bless Geoff
Please ask Saint John Paul the second to pray for my daughter-in-law Christine Shaw she has been diagnosed with cancer and has to have a double masectomy very soon she is only 52 years old and very wonderful and kind person. We love her very much please ask Saint John Paul the second for a miracle for her my husband and I saw him here at the Colosseum in Los Angeles and we knew then he was a saint. Thank you so very much
Hello Lily, sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law’s illness, I will pray for her and ask St John Paul II to pray also. God bless
Dear mr. and ms. Shaw, I pray that Christ find u in better health with our prayers. St. John Paul pls pray for Christine Shaw and her husband . Amen
I believe wholeheartedly that Pope John Paul is indeed a true saint. May he pray for all of us, in our hour of need. May he intercede for your daughter in-law, God Bless Lily.
Hello, I have to say he is my favourite Pope, he was such an intelligent man but also a man of great love.
Please ask Pope John Paul 11 to pray that the symptoms of my concussion will go away.
Will do, and I’ll add my poor prayers for you too. God bless Geoff
Dear All,
My name is Fabianna Wotomu. I come from Papua New Guinea which a small country in the Pacific. When I was only a little girl I was blessed and privileged to see Pope John Paul II when he visited Papua New Guinea.
My best friend Patricia Sabuin who is a Adventist is suffering from breast cancer which as spread rapidly and she is now in a lot of pain. She has a little girl who is needs her so I am asking if you could please pray for her and ask Pope John Paul II to pray for her.
Thank you and God Bless,
Hello Fabianna, I will certainly pray for your friend Patricia and ask St Pope John Paul II to pray also. You were very blessed to have seen him. There is another story on this site about JPII entitled The Beggar and the Pope, it is worth a read, a very touching story of his humanity. God bless Geoff
Please ask Pope John Paul I to pray for a very special intention !
You are in my prayers today. God bless Geoff
Indeed St John Paul 2 was Merciful pope
Please pray for my mam and dad who are ill
Pray for me to get new job my contract just ended in april
Please pray
Hello Patrick, I will pray for you and your family, please ask JPII to do the same, he is a powerful intercessor. God bless
Dear John Paul the Second please answer my prayers. I truly need a miracle to rid my environment of a plague and pestilence. I so need your help.
Hello Maria, I will pray for your need also. God bless Geoff
Dear St JohnPaul 11 please answer my prayers. I need a miracle to cure my kidney disease. I have so much I need to do in my life and I need my health in order to do it. I promise I will help others if my health is restored. Amen
Praying for you also Claire. God bless you
My cousin was in charge of catering for Mayor Guiliani in New York City. There was a huge dinner for Pope John Paul II when he was visiting New York. My cousin learned that same day that his father, in Florida, had suffered a severe heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. The prognosis was grim. My cousin asked if someone else could serve at the dinner, but the Mayor said, “I need you to do this. It’s the Pope!” So he stayed and served the Pope but, as he set a plate down in front of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II took his arm, turned to him and said, “don’t be fearful about your father. He will be fine.” Later, my cousin asked the Mayor if he had mentioned what happened to his father to the Pope and Mayor Guiliani said “No, I didn’t. And yes, my uncle pulled through and lived many more years after that.
That is an amazing testimony, thank you so much for sharing. May I please share your story? God bless Geoff