The Little Known Secret of The Sacred Heart

Many know of the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St Margaret Mary and also St Gertrude but few know about the revelations of St John the Evangelist to St Gertrude. Jesus appeared to St Gertrude The Great one day and allowed her to rest on his breast. St. Gertrude experienced the exquisite and divine beatings of Jesus’ heart and wondered why St. John, who had also reclined on the heart of Jesus at the Last Supper, had never written of his experience. St. John appeared to her in a vision and replied, “Yes, I heard them, and my soul was penetrated with their sweetness even to its very centre” and explained that he did not write of this because, “My mission was to write of the Eternal Word . . . but the language of the blissful pulsations of the Sacred Heart is reserved for latter times, that the time-worn world, grown cold in the love of God, may be warmed up by hearing of such mysteries.”

Prayer of St Gertrude the Great To The Sacred Heart

“I salute Thee, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, living and vivifying source of eternal life, infinite treasure of the Divinity, ardent furnace of Divine love; Thou art the place of my repose and my refuge. Enkindle in my heart the fire of that ardent love with which Thine own is all inflamed; pour into my heart the great graces of which Thine is the source, and grant that my heart may be so closely united to Thine, that Thy will may be mine, and that my will may be eternally conformed to Thine, since I desire that henceforth Thy holy will may be the rule of all my desires and all my actions. Amen.”

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