The Joyful Praises

Hombre ante Dios

I worship You, my God,
I worship Your Holy Name.
I worship You, my Creator,
For the gift of life.

I bless You, my God,
I bless Your Holy Name.
I bless You, my Saviour,
For the joy of salvation.

I praise You, my God,
I praise Your Holy Name,
I praise You, my Lord,
For the treasure of Your love.

I adore You, my God,
I adore Your Holy Name.
I adore You my Paraclete,
For the beauty of Your Spirit.

I love You, my God,
I love Your Holy Name.
I love You, my Father,
For Your mercy and compassion.

I glorify You, my God,
I glorify Your Holy Name,
I glorify You, my Jesus,
For all Your love and kindness.

Blessed be God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Blessed be God,
Now and forevermore.

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