A lady in her late 40’s attended one of our retreats which was open for both Catholics and Non Catholics. She belonged to one of the Pentecostal churches. Prior to the time of Communion the Catechist made the usual announcement that only Catholics who have prepared themselves could receive.
Despite the announcement the woman got up to receive Communion. She said to herself: “After all its only a piece of flattened bread, let me see what will happen if I receive, and in this crowd who can tell that I am not a Catholic.” As soon as she received Christ and was returning to her seat, she collapsed to the ground and the church ushers rushed to lift her up only for her to be shouting at the top of her voice: “I believe, I believe, call me the Priest, I want to confess. I now believe in the presence of Jesus in this bread. I am not a Catholic but I believe.”
When questioned by the Priest, she confessed what had happened. Shortly afterwards she enrolled for Catholic instruction and to this day she is a loyal Catholic. And as you can guess she has a strong belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Sr. Bernadine Prenii,